Sports Injuries
At Active Physiotherapy, David offers you knowledge and experience to diagnose and treat your sports injury. Before coming to Israel, he was involved with amateur sport to the elite Olympic level athlete. Since coming to Israel he has been involved in both treatment and advisory roles to several running clubs and gyms.
Sports injuries are often divided into acute, traumatic or overuse injuries. Usually acute injuries start after a specific incident, for example, after being tackled during a competitive sport. Overuse injuries usually start more gradually when progressing training too quickly. In practice, this division is not as clear, as pathology may have existed for some time without pain, but then starts after a specific activity. This may be the case for a runner, who has been competing for many years without pain and then suddenly he ruptures or tears his Archilles tendon when sprinting up a hill or just while doing his usual running routine.
Why do injuries occur?
Usually tissues such as muscles, ligaments and bones strengthen and can adapt to the loads that are required during training or the sporting activity. If the load applied during an activity increases beyond the tissues ability to adapt an injury may occur.
How does an injury repair?
Following an injury there is an inflammatory phase, which usually lasts for a few days. During the inflammatory phase, pain and signs of damage are most evident. This phase is also a precursor for setting up and initiating processes for repair and regeneration.
This is followed by a proliferative phase where oxygen and nutrients are sent to the site of injury to promote the process of tissue repair. During this phase scar tissue is formed and old, damaged tissue is removed. This stage usually lasts a few weeks.
The maturation phase involves the maturation and remodelling of scar tissue. Each of the tissues such as muscle, ligament and tendons have their specific processes of repair, but at this stage the form and function of the scar tissue depends on gradual loading and stress being placed on the tissues. This stage can last up to several months, depending on the severity of the injury and management implemented.
What injuries are treated at Active Physiotherapy?
Diagnosis and correct treatment are necessary for successful return to sport.
Diagnostic labels do not always accurately describe the injury and these labels are often confusing for patients seeking help, as different terminology may be used by different practitioners. In listing names of conditions that are commonly seen, the importance of the diagnosis of the injury by an experienced clinician is fundamental to successful treatment and recovery.
The following sports injuries are commonly seen and treated at Active Physiotherapy Jerusalem:
Shoulder injuries, bursitis, tendinosis, tendon ruptures, dislocations, subluxations, AC joint injuries, rotator cuff injuries,
Tennis elbow, elbow dislocations/fractures
Hand and wrist sprains,
Hip bursitis, groin strains, ITB syndrome, osteoarthrosis
Knee injuries, runners knee, patellofemoral dysfunction, torn meniscus, osteoarthritic knees, shin splints
Foot/Ankle sprains and fractures, heel spurs, stress fractures, plantar fasciitis,
Muscle injuries and strains to hamstrings, calf, quadriceps,
At Active Physiotherapy Jerusalem, you will receive highly personalised and professional care by an experienced clinician who will help you to achieve your sporting goals, regardless of your sporting level.
Gradual pacing of activities and a planned re-entry to sport is necessary to prevent re-injury.
Call David Fidler at Active Physiotherapy for further advice or to make an appointment